CEU SUN Course in 2024: The Power of the Visual - Creative Documentary and Human Rights

December 15, 2023
The Power of the Visual: Creative Documentary and Human Rights (Photo by Enikő Hampel)

Photo by Enikő Hampel

CEU Summer University course in cooperation with Blinken OSA Archivum and Open Society University Network (OSUN) will be organized between July 8-13, 2024 in Budapest. 

The course invites artists, students, and scholars in humanities and social sciences who are engaged in the production, distribution, and analysis of documentary visual imagery and who recognize film as an important communication medium. The intense 6-day program aims at advancing individual participants’ projects with the help of masterclasses and tutoring sessions run by a network of academics and film practitioners. The course also sets to raise awareness of documentary films as cultural and social capital and an important change-making tool. It was developed collaboratively by faculty from six academic institutions working in the field of film and visual arts who bring their best teaching practices to the CEU Budapest summer school. The course is a safe space to create, learn, and obtain competent feedback on the documentary projects in the making as well as to join a community of engaged scholars and documentary practitioners. 

The course is structured as a sequence of interdisciplinary workshops, seminars, and masterclasses addressing issues of documentary ethics, social impact, community engagement, multi-media genres, memory politics, and representation within the field of cultural studies. In addition to workshops, participants work in small groups and have individual consultations with the course tutors. The course also includes a visit to Blinken OSA Archivum (a repository of important collections on the Cold War and international human rights, and a laboratory of archival experiments on new ways of assessing, contextualizing, presenting, and making use of archival documents) for exploring the audio-visual holdings and public engagement practices of this heritage institution. 

Students and young professionals in the fields of visual studies, filmmaking, media studies, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, archival studies, as well as visual artists are welcome to apply. All participants should apply with a project in the development, production, or post-production stage. 

The course aims to: 

  • Advance individual documentary projects through mentorship and peer critique 
  • Develop critical analytical skills in contextual visual analysis 
  • Acquire knowledge of recent and historical creative documentary productions 
  • Promote the ability to critically and contextually analyze documentary works 
  • Advance visual literacy skills and critical interpretation of moving images 
  • Advance understanding of cinematography, editing, sound design, social impact, and ethical implications in documentary films     

The call for application is now open with the application deadline of February 14, 2024. For more information visit the following page

