
Call for Participants to the 2017 Verzio DocLab

August 14, 2017

Impact Through Film
- Human Rights In Focus

Workshop dates: November 11-15, 2017
Deadline to apply: October 1, 2017 

Documentary films have power. They can inspire and be a call to action. They can be potent tools in the fight for dignity, and against censorship and oppression. In these challenging times, when human rights are under threat around the globe in unprecedented ways, documentaries that can tell these stories on film are of vital importance.

New Tradition Takes Root: Students Present Their Work at Second End-of-Semester Film Screening

June 7, 2017
Decorative image

On May 23, the CEU community and the wider Budapest public witnessed the inspiring efforts of these students at a special end-of-semester documentary film screening. Representing two winter term courses, Historical Narratives and the Moving Image, co-taught by Oksana Sarkisova and Jeremy Braverman, and Visual Anthropology and Ethnographic Filmmaking, co-taught by Vlad Naumescu and Braverman, the screening featured eleven short films examining an impressive range of subjects.

VSP Invites Applications for a Visiting Professor in Visual Theory and Practice

March 16, 2017

Visual Studies Platform at CEU invites applications for a Visiting Professor in visual theory and methodology with particular emphasis on digital and interactive media as well as cross-media perspectives. We are looking for an experienced academic with a strong background in theoretical reflection and comparative media analysis. The successful candidate will offer a 2 credit MA course as part of the Visual Theory and Practice curriculum (Fall or Winter 2017/2018).

Call for Applications to the VSP Teaching Fellow Position

March 16, 2017

The Visual Studies Platform, in collaboration with the Institute for Advanced Study invites applications for a four months VSP Fellow for the academic year 2017/2018 (Fall/Winter term). The residential fellowship is offered on a competitive basis to a junior scholar whose research engages innovatively with various visual media including film and digital technologies. The fellow will teach one course as part of the Visual Theory and Practice curriculum that will be open to all students of the university.

Interdisciplinary VSP Course Featured in CEU Weekly

March 8, 2017

Camilo Montoya Guevara, student at CEU's Cultural Heritage Studies has recently written about innovative courses at CEU, giving an overview of how a course such as "Historical Narratives and the Moving Image" taught by Oksana Sarkisova and Jeremy Braverman combines theory, field work and visual practice, enabling students to learn t