CEU Semester-end Documentary Screening

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film screening
Open to the Public
Nador u. 15
Auditorium B
Friday, December 8, 2017 - 7:00pm
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Friday, December 8, 2017 - 7:00pm

Join us for this special screening of short (5-10 min) student documentaries produced in courses supported by the CEU Library's Mirabaud Media Lab, followed by a Q&A and reception with the filmmakers.

The evening features work from the Documentary Filmmaking for the Social Sciences and Humanities course, as well as films from the Visual Grammar course running for the first time this year. These courses make up part of the curriculum for the new Visual Theory and Practice Advanced Certificate, offered this year as a pilot program.

This event is co-hosted and co-sponsored by the CEU Library, the Visual Studies Platform, the Nationalism Studies Program and the CEU Weekly.


"Shaping the Fringe" - A look into the life of a Roma barbershop: how does the shop function as a social space for the community?

"Robot Girl" - The story of a woman who changes the way we look at disability.

"Gypsy Venison" - This movie questions the rough boundaries of belonging, exclusion and precariousness of the Roma activist movement from a critical perspective.

[currently untitled] - A believer in Shamanism, an admirer of Rastafarianism, a Buddhist, and more, Gabor represents an individual seeking alternative systems to understanding the world around him.

"The 4 Tigers Market" - There is only one place in Budapest where a Turkish Muslim can walk under a Chinese-sign gate to join the Friday prayer.

"A Calling From the Steppes" - A documentary that explores the colorful characters trying to revive the ancestral traditions of Magyars.

"Red Aluminum" - Red Aluminum shows the ongoing struggle after the 2010 red sludge spill which was Hungary's worst environmental disaster.

"Protest Too Much" - Reflecting on the CEU protests and the energy it created, the filmmaker wonders where it all went.