"Who is Next?": Investigative documentary as an awareness-raising tool. Masterclass with Nurzhamal Karamoldoeva (AUCA) on March 7, 2023

February 28, 2023
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The masterclass will focus on the making of documentary Who is Next? (directors Nurzhamal Karamoldoeva and Sultan Usuvaliev, produced by Paradigma N studio, Kyrgyzstan), which investigates the tragic case of Aizada Kanatbekova, kidnapped by a group of men for a forced marriage in April 2021 in Bishkek. The documentary is a detailed analysis of the criminal case that utilizes both analytical (through true crime documentary genre) and emotional (family drama) aspects of the social phenomenon of ala kachuu (so called “bride kidnapping”). One of the important themes of the film is the negligence case of the police officers involved in the investigation of the case initiated in April 2021. The film is an attempt to answer the question "Who is Next?" posed by viewers. The masterclass will focus on the various aspects of research and filmmaking process. 

Nurzhamal Karamoldoeva is a Kyrgyz filmmaker, who serves as an Executive Director of the Center for Civic Engagement at the American University of Central Asia. She is a faculty member of the Department of Television, Cinema and Media Arts of AUCA. Nurzhamal shoots both feature films and documentaries. Her documentary Medrese (2021) on religious education in Kyrgyzstan became the best national film at the XV International Human Rights Film Festival “Bir duino”.

The masterclass will be organized at 6pm on March 7, 2023 at CEU, and also can be followed online at this link


