Film Heritage Through the De/Post/Anti-colonial Lenses:
New Perspectives in Research and Teaching
The workshop brings together film scholars and professionals from heritage institutions to critically review research directions and course curricula on film heritage. Embracing the concept of "epistemic disobedience" (Walter D. Mignolo), Blinken OSA Archivum and Visual Studies Platform at CEU offer a platform to collaboratively explore the heuristic value of new methodological paradigms in film history and visual studies. The workshop participants address the applicability and uses of post- and decoloniality and other critical methodologies’ potential for eliciting new, original research questions that challenge implicit hierarchies and create analytical spaces for novel or previously overlooked perspectives, incorporating a plurality of non-Eurocentric perspectives. The workshop aims at fostering cooperation between teaching institutions and initiatives beyond academia, including heritage public programs and civic engagement.
To follow the event online, please register here.