VTP Course List 2021/22

Fall term 

Course US Credits Instructor

VSP Type


Host Unit

UWC 5014

Fundamentals of Documentary Filmmaking

 2 Jeremy Braverman Core/Mandatory


Visual Studies Platform

HIST 5237 

ICONO/GRAPHY Interactions of Image and Text

2 Ulrich Meurer Core/Mandatory Department of History 

UWC 5019

Audio Production

2 Thomas Aichinger Core/Mandatory


Visual Studies Platform

HIST 5060

History in the Visual Mode: Methods and Practices of Documentary Storytelling

2 Elective Department of History 

HIST 5238

Art in the service of the nation 1750-2000

2 Robyn Radway  Elective Department of History 

CHSP 5067 

Understanding Memory Media: Image, Material Culture, and Space

2 Dóra Mérai Elective Department of Medieval Studies

GENS 5129 

Feminist Biopolitics and Cultural Practices

4 Hyaesin Yoon Elective Department of Gender Studies

GENS 5071

Feminist Research of the Media and Popular Culture

4 Erzsébet Barát Elective Department of Gender Studies

Winter Term

Course US Credits Instructor VSP Type Mand/Elective Host Unit

NATI 5062 

Foundations of Visual Practice 

2 Klara Trencsenyi Core/Mandatory Nationalism Studies Program

VSPF 5001 

Images: Knowledge, History, Politics                   

2 Ulrich Meurer Core/Mandatory Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology

DOPP 5301 

Documentary for Social Change        

4 Elective Department of Public Policy

MEDS 5080 

Visual Culture Studies

2 Gyorgy E. Szonyi Elective Department of Medieval Studies

INTR 5062

(Mis)performing World Politics

4 Erzsebet Strausz Elective Department of International Relations

Spring Term

Course US Credits Instructor

VSP Type


Host Unit

DOPP 5261 

Skills for Impact: Documentary Filmmaking 


Jeremy Braverman Elective Department of Public Policy

SOCL 5219

Visual/Aural Knowledge Production 

2 Melanie Janet Sindelar Core/Mandatory Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology